Happy Anniversary Miles Consulting Group! In fourteen years, I’ve watched this practice change with this times – gone are the California Manufacturers Investment Credit and the Enterprise Zone benefits – both of which were significant tax credit and incentives benefits to our clients over the years.  Added are some new California incentives – the CA Partial Manufacturer’s Sales Tax Exemption, and the California Competes Tax Credit. Yet tried and true multi-state tax consulting – nexus reviews, taxability studies, voluntary disclosures, and audit defense continue to be the cornerstone of our current consulting.  We’ve also recently added “Jumpstart Your Rainmaking” that’s been providing some “splash”!  The webinar series, aimed at helping CPAs (and others selling professional services) to enhance their marketing, networking and targeting skills begins again in May.  (For more information and to register, click here.)

A lot has changed over the years that has affected not only our business, but our country. Take a trip back in time to see what was happening back in 2002 when we were founded:

In 2002…

…Long-running television show American Idol made its debut.

…Arthur Andersen LLP was found guilty of unethical financial management with its client, Enron, a company who committed accounting fraud. Arthur Anderson was accused of obstruction of justice for purposely shredding important audit documents. This scandal reduced the “Big 5” accounting firms to what is now the “Big 4.”

…The Euro began circulating and became the official currency of 12 European Union members.

…Kmart, WorldCom, and United Airlines filed for bankruptcy protection.

…Former President George W. Bush created the Department of Homeland Security to help the fight against terrorism.

…Denzel Washington & Hally Berry won Oscars for Best Actor & Best Actress respectively. The Academy Awards show was hosted by Whoopi Goldberg.

Feeling nostalgic yet? Certainly, there were more significant events that happened in that year that aren’t on this list. It is often bittersweet to reflect on the past but it is what shapes our future. The firm would not be where it is today without the continuing support and trust of our clients, colleagues, family and friends.  It has been an amazing experience to able to connect with people across the country through the multi-state tax consulting practice. Thank you for your support during the past 14 years!